Friday, July 18, 2008

Sequence 1

A middle aged man, slightly balding incessantly snores in his lazy boy recliner. In the corner a TV flashes illuminating the entire room. Then from behind the dad, a young sly boy cracks open the door just enough to show his face. A smirk appears on the boy's face when he sees that his dad is fast asleep. The boy slowly creeps along then pauses at his dad's recliner. He hesitantly taps his dad on the shoulder, and to his surprise the man makes an abrupt snore causing the boy to jump back in fear. Despite the loud snore his dad does not awake. The boy makes a quick pivot and continues towards the television. When he reaches the television he puts his hand on his hips like he had just accomplished a great feat. Before tending to the television the boy looks over his shoulder to check that his dad is still asleep.